The Latest from the Adventures of Puffles and Raya

Yes, we have two adorable fur babies now. The first is our 6 year old male mini-Goldendoodle, Puffles, from Fox Creek Farm Goldendoodles in Berkeley Springs, WV. He’s 27 lbs fully grown, and has been a fantastic dog. The second is our newly adopted female petite-Goldendoodle, Raya (“Ray of Sunshine”), who was Fox Creek Farm’s litter pick from another GANA breeder, River Falls Goldendoodles in South Carolina. She’s Fox Creek Farm’s dog, and we’ve become her Guardian family. Read more about them at their dedicated pages below, and check out their blogs and photo albums also.

Puffles and Raya’s Dedicated Pages

Doggy Blogs

August 2023, Some Recent Photos Over the Past Few Months

Licking sand off of their noses.

Running and playing at the beach.

Having some play time in the yard.

Trying out a new carpet.

Can we get groomed yet?

Puffles wants nothing to do with hot weather outside, so they’ve figured out that they can play inside now.

Indoor play time.

Raya has finally figured out that mama gives the best scratchies.