How Rekindling My Faith Cured My Mental Health Issues

[Note: My company asked for 400 word submissions for Mental Health Awareness Month in May for their internal website and blog, and so I wrote one.]

As a young adult cancer survivor, I’m no stranger to mental health issues. My cancer fight a decade ago was brutal and left numerous physical scars, but the mental ones went far deeper and took many years to overcome. All of the uncertainty after cancer fueled endless cycles of anxiety, depression, and even PTSD. Cancer had long left my body, but the mental fight within raged on silently for years. 

Life was challenging but spares no one, and eventually other tragedies and resulting traumas found their way into my life, some of which almost made my cancer fight seem easy. Moreover, the sorry state of our depraved world can be completely demoralizing to anyone, with all of its evils and injustices, endless wars, and unrighteousness of all kinds. Through all that I’ve faced, I’d considered taking my own life on more than one occasion, thinking it might be easier. Starting to redevelop my faith is what finally put a stop to it.

Born and raised a Christian, I had turned away from religion for the entirety of my adult life. It was actually current and former [Company] employees who saw my struggles through the years, that planted the seeds within me that helped rekindle my faith in God. A current colleague gifted me a beautiful set of Bibles a few years ago which I read faithfully, and soon after started attending weekly services at the church a previous colleague had long ago invited me to. I was baptized for the second time in my life the year after, having commit myself to leaving the foolish ways of my old life behind, and putting all my faith and trust in the Lord. These small gestures changed my life.

Peace in my soul has replaced endless worrying, understanding has replaced so much confusion and angst, and hope and joy for God’s eternal Kingdom has replaced the utter dread and hopelessness I’d felt for our earthly world and existence. 

“But first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Never underestimate the power of faith to heal from mental health related matters. I discounted faith and religion for many years only to continue to suffer, but now offer myself as living proof of its truth and power. All that I had been seeking, I have found through my faith.