Testicular Cancer Summit Guest Speaker - Mike Craycraft

I am excited to have the opportunity to be a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Summit but more importantly, for the opportunity to meet so many other survivors and caregivers face to face and learn of your experiences. Whether we are a survivor, caregiver or healthcare professional we have each traveled a unique path to where we are today. I look forward to being able to share ways that we can continue to move forward and get back to living life. After our experiences, life may never be the same as it was before we were affected, but I hope that we can all find ways to embrace the “new normal.” I look forward to seeing you all in Denver.


Mike was diagnosed in 2006 and is the founder of the Testicular Cancer Society, which also oversees the TC-Cancer.com Forums. Besides being a survivor he is also a clinical pharmacist by trade. He is a Mentor Angel with Imerman Angels, a 4th Angel Mentor with The Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative at the Cleveland Clinic and a survivor mentor for myCancerConnection at MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is a Research and Community Outreach Fellow for the Men's Health Initiative, serves as the Testicular Cancer Community Leader at MedHelp and volunteers for Love Hope Strength. As a Huffington Post Blogger he contributes on issues relating to adolescent and young adult oncology.

Mike Craycraft
Testicular Cancer Society
Cincinnati, Ohio