Love Your Fucking Life

The fear of many cancer fighters and survivors isn't necessarily that of death, but of life not lived. For those of us that are lucky enough to get an all clear, and are freed from the chains of the medical system, what in the hell are you waiting for? Get out there! LIVE your lives, go places, do things, take chances, and live your dreams. Tell the people that have meant something to you how much you love and appreciate them. Be genuine. Be real. Be YOU for the first time, and not what other people, societies, or cultures expect you to be. BE YOU, and fucking love it! The world needs you to be you, and to get out there and make a difference for everyone else.

It's okay to be a afraid. It's okay to curl up on your couch in a ball of tears from time to time. Lord knows I've been there plenty of times, but don't stay there for too long. You can't change the past, and have no control over the future. Go do something amazing right now instead. Go someplace you've always wanted to go, or do something you've always wanted to do. Cross an item off of your list, no matter how big or how small. If not now, when? You don't need anyone's permission, nor do you owe anyone an apology just for being YOU. Love your fucking life. Don't waste that shit! Take a million pictures, and show everybody else how it's done. :)

Dedicated to the most amazing oncology nurse ever, mine, Trish Traylor, who posted this photo. Thanks Trish! I needed this! :)